Trust is King: Unraveling the Mystery of Data Sovereignty & Power BI Obsession

Alex Polorotov
2 min readJul 25, 2023

The story below is written in the state of having seen another company mass PowerBI Desktop in every department, with the same metrics, but each with its own “correct” data source, and everyone calls it: “data-mesh”, “self-service BI”.

Once upon a glitch in the matrix 🎲, there was a data guy named Dave.

Dave was a stubborn dude, almost religiously devoted to his own data well.

“My data is the purest, the cleanest,” he’d declare, hoarding his spreadsheets like a dragon 🐉 with his gold. Dave wasn’t interested in any new-fangled pipelines 💻, no matter how shiny and efficient they promised to be.

What Dave, like any other user, craved more than anything was reliability. Sure, he could appreciate a slick interface and a sexy design. But what was all that worth if the data was as reliable as a drunk sailor ⚓ navigating a ship? Reliable data was like the holy grail — once you had your hands on that, everything else was just icing on the cake 🍰.

Consider this: why does everyone jizz their pants over the beautiful graphs in Power BI? It’s not because they’re art connoisseurs 🎨, but because they’re working with data from their wells, their own sacred fountains of truth. They’re so assured of the data’s quality that they can afford to sit back and admire the UI. The design becomes the star of the show 🌟 only when the data doesn’t give them a reason to question it.

The challenge, therefore, is creating that deep-seated trust in the data users are consuming. It’s about giving them the reins 🎠 to their own data chariot, letting them control the direction and speed. Once they’re in the driver’s seat, their data skepticism takes a backseat.

If they begin to trust the data, they’ll also start to see the appeal of shiny new tools 🔧 that make their lives easier.

Suddenly, mastering a new skill doesn’t seem like such a chore. It’s not about coercing them to drink from your pipeline. It’s about making the water so f*cking clear 💦 that they’ll want to dive right in.

So, folks, remember: In the realm of data, trust is king 👑. Build that, and the rest will follow. And maybe, just maybe, even the most stubborn of Daves will start to see the light



Alex Polorotov

Maximizing BI adoption | Dataholyc | Qlik Partner Ambassador